EVS XT2 + 6ch HD / 3G server with super motion, multiviewer, 6x 300gb drives etc (xt2+)
includes below
- EVS XT2plus (XT2+ ) mainframe with below setup
- 2x power supplies
- 1x remote
- 6x 300gb storage drives
- Multiviewer board
Permenant Licenses installed on system
- Authorise SD configuriations
- Authorise HD configuriation
- Authorise Video configuriation changes
- Avid DNXHD Codec
- Apple prores 422 codec
- DVCPRO HD codec
- DVCPRO 50 codec
- LSM hypermotion
- 1080p dual link
- 1080p 3G (note this required hardware upgraded cards to work in single bnc mode for 3g, these not supplied)
- 3D dual link
- Server base open config
- LSM base open config
- LSM base 1 play
- LSM base 2 play
- LSM base 3 play
- LSM base 4 play
- LSM base 5 play
- LSM base 6 play
- Supermotion option
- Playlist management basic
- playlist management advanced
- Split screen
- SDTI network advanced
- Sony / DD35 protocol
- Odetics / VDCP protocol
- AVSO/IPDP protocol (fx)
- DB search functions
- Keyword Assignment